Happy Mother Day - 11052014

How r u today ?

Happy Mother Day to all of u <3 

Just went out & celebrate Mother day with my lovely mummy <3


We hang out walk walk & have a simple celebration (lunchie & tea) <3 

Simple is the Best :D :D 

 Simple breakfast at Oldtown xD 

Then we go for walk walk :3 

 then we lunch at Levain :DD

Creamy mushroom spaghetti ~

After finished, den we take some selfies xDD 

Selfie time 

 Ahahaha, syok sendiri first xD

Snap with mummy, happy mother day to u Mummy <3 

Selfie with mummy again xDD

Snap with mummy n sista xDD

Mummy so happy with her little cute cake xDD

XDD, Once again

Happy mother day to u ~~


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